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Take To Your Feet


May is the national walking month to promote health, fitness and boost mental health through an easy and adaptable way – walking.

Did you know?

A 20 minute walk a day can help reduce the risk of several health conditions? Such as, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, cancer and depression.

Taking walks instead of using public transport or cars, making small frequent changes such as walking instead results in longer and bigger/visible changes to not only your health but also the environment.

Although any form of exercise can often be daunting, especially when done alone. There are several walking groups in Staffordshire and surrounding areas that may help you meet new friends and also give you the motivation to get out and start walking whilst also socialising. Please enter your postcode into the link below to find out when and where you local walks are.

Use the link below for the 20 tips to help you fit 20 minutes of walking into your day.

#Try20 tips (

Find a group – Ramblers

May is National Walking Month – Active Nation