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Anti-Bullying Week

13.11.2023 – 17.11.2023


In 2022 there was a positive impact for the promotion of anti bullying week with around 80% of Schools participating.

It is often easy to mistake bullying with ‘Banter’. It is important to learn each other and bring us all together to help define bullying which will enable us all to understand each others feelings and the impacts bullying have on us, our family, friends and peers – mentally and emotionally.

#makeanoise is this year anti bulling theme encouraging noise at 9.15am on 13th November – record and post it. Making a noise and using your voice is 1 small step to making a noise and speaking to someone regarding your concerns about yourself or a close relative/friend.

Please use the link below to find out more how you can get involved in funding raise and raising awareness for anti bullying week.

Fundraise (